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PolyFiber II Epoxy Thickener

Use: Add PolyFiber to mixed Stone Coat Countertop Epoxy to create a thickened epoxy for vertical use 


Directions: Carefully mix PolyFiber into liquid mixed epoxy to create a thick mixture. Add enough PolyFiber  to achieve desired level of thickening. For example: When thickening epoxy for vertical wall use we will thicken the epoxy on a 1:1 ratio. 1 quart of epoxy : 1 quart of PolyFiber. When mixing thickened epoxy for use with seaming, we recommend keeping the ratio the same at 1:1 The mixing ratio can be adjusted to your prefrence. 


Contents: Polyethylene fibers


Net Weight: 0.5 lb


Not Hazardous Made in the USA

PolyFiber II Epoxy Thickener

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